
Biden’s Age Concerns Dismissed By Clyburn as Unfair Bias Based on Physical Health

On a recent CNN broadcast, Biden-Harris Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Clyburn tried to excuse any concerns about Joe Biden’s age by pointing to Biden’s back issue. According to Clyburn, the perception that Biden may be too old for the presidency is simply due to people projecting their own biases onto Biden’s physical health.

Host Laura Coates raised the issue of Biden’s age compared to Trump’s and questioned why age seems to be a bigger issue for Biden. Clyburn attempted to deflect by emphasizing Biden’s health condition and likening it to his own childhood injury that left him with a slight limp. Clyburn insinuated that any doubts about Biden’s fitness for office are unfounded and stem from unfair prejudices.

Blaming concerns about Biden’s age on his back problem comes across as a weak defense. Rather than addressing valid questions about Biden’s cognitive abilities and stamina, Clyburn chose to downplay the issue by suggesting it’s all about people unfairly judging Biden based on his physical characteristics.

It is not uncommon for politicians to try to deflect attention from legitimate concerns by attributing them to prejudice. However, in this case, Clyburn’s attempt to dismiss worries about Biden’s age as mere bias doesn’t hold up under scrutiny. Voters have every right to question whether a candidate is up to the demanding job of the presidency, regardless of their medical history.

Written by Staff Reports

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