
Biden’s Age Nightmare: Dems Ignoring Reality for 2024?

In a recent article for The New York Times, Ross Douthat, a voice of reason amidst the liberal madness, has dared to question the Democrats’ decision to stick with President Joe Biden for the 2024 election. Douthat aptly titled his piece “2024’s Field of Nightmares,” encapsulating the terrifying reality that awaits the Democrats if they continue down this treacherous path.

Drawing from recent polls that highlight the concerns surrounding Biden’s advanced age and subsequent decline, Douthat delivers a resounding wake-up call to the Democratic Party. He cleverly introduces the saying, “The ball will always find you,” to emphasize how the Democrats’ attempts to hide or downplay Biden’s limitations on the field of politics will eventually catch up with them.

Douthat is unafraid to state the obvious, pointing out that Biden’s decline is not merely a figment of Republican imagination but a painfully evident truth. While some Republicans recognize this reality, even the mainstream press acknowledges it, although they tread gingerly around the matter. Yet, despite the evidence, Democrats seem to be betting their future on the idea that Biden’s successful management can continue unabated.

However, Douthat astutely questions whether this is truly a safe bet. Are the Democrats willing to risk the fate of their party simply to keep Biden in power? It appears so. Democrats seem to be blind to the potential consequences, oblivious to the fact that their beloved player could become a liability when it matters most.

To deepen the dread that looms over the Democratic Party, recent polls reflect the public’s concerns regarding Biden’s age and fitness for office. According to a Wall Street Journal poll, a staggering 73% of voters believe Biden is too old to run for president again, even including two-thirds of Democrats. The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll echoes this sentiment, with 77% of voters, including 69% of Democrats, expressing apprehension about Biden’s age.

As if the first two polls weren’t damning enough, a recent CNN poll reveals that a mere 26% of Americans have confidence in Biden’s stamina and sharpness as president. Those are abysmal numbers by any standard, and they should serve as a wake-up call for a party desperate to cling onto power.

Unfortunately, despite the mounting evidence and overwhelming public sentiment against him, Biden and the White House remain steadfast in their determination to ignore reality. They insist that Biden is fit and will run for re-election in 2024. It is a delusion upheld by those who prioritize political power over the well-being and success of the nation.

The Democrats’ commitment to Biden, despite the obvious concerns, can only be seen as a desperate clinging to power at all costs. As conservative Republicans, we know better. It is time for the Democratic Party to consider the future of our great nation and put forth a candidate who can provide the vigor and vitality necessary to lead effectively. The field of dreams has turned into a field of nightmares for Democrats, and it’s time they woke up.

Written by Staff Reports

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