
Biden’s Big Tech Collusion Exposed Censorship Portal Revealed in Facebook Documents

Big Tech censorship and government collusion have reached a laughably absurd level as new evidence highlights the depths to which the Biden-Harris administration has sunk in undermining free speech. Americans, especially those who dared to voice any skepticism about COVID, vaccine efficacy, or the government’s official story, found themselves in a harsh and oppressive environment. This partnership between Silicon Valley and the White House wasn’t just chilling—it was downright tyrannical, eroding public discourse and implementing harmful policies that wrecked the education system, crushed livelihoods, and destabilized the economy faster than a runaway freight train.

Documents released through America First Legal’s ongoing legal efforts against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that Facebook created a specialized censorship portal directly for the government. This initiative was not just a casual attempt to “monitor” misinformation—it was a streamlined mechanism designed to obliterate contrary opinions at the behest of government officials. It looks like rather than preventing misinformation, Facebook became just another pawn in the game of political theater, all queued up to protect the narrative spun by the Biden-Harris administration.

The implications are clear: Facebook essentially gave government employees a powerful tool to obliterate free speech with just a few clicks. No more lengthy email chains filled with red tape; officials could now submit up to twenty links at a time for removal without breaking a sweat. It is reminiscent of an overzealous teacher confiscating a student’s textbook for daring to ask questions—except in this case, the stakes are much higher.

To add a cherry on top of this censorship sundae, government personnel could access this portal solely with approval—presumably reserved for those staunch defenders of the regime’s version of “truth.” And what good is all this surely well-intentioned activism if there’s no way to track compliance? Each submission received a ticket number. How thoughtful. Tracking censorship requests is what everyone wants as they cower over the prospect of being digitally silenced.

Further documents exposed the extent of foreign influence by revealing ties between UK strategies and the Biden administration’s censorship tactics. Mark Zuckerberg’s admission that Facebook only acted under duress from the White House adds an extra layer of intrigue to this unfortunate saga. In a perfect storm of technocracy and bureaucracy, this partnership compels one to wonder: Who needs a Constitution when you have Facebook and a slew of government gatekeepers ready to define “approved” opinions?

Ultimately, the right to challenge authority is a bedrock principle of American identity, not just for elite elites or social media gatekeepers. Big Tech’s alarming efforts to suppress dissent in collaboration with the government are an affront to the First Amendment and deserve prime-time scrutiny. Americans must take a closer look at these revelations and recognize that their right to speak freely is under siege, all while smiling and nodding as their leaders spin tales of public health and safety. The irony is thick enough to slice with a knife, yet the question remains: how much longer before the average citizen realizes they’re living in a digital echo chamber, courtesy of their own government and its corporate accomplices?

Written by Staff Reports

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