
Biden’s Blunder: New Jersey Becomes NY’s Pollution Dumping Ground

In a bold move to protect the great state of New Jersey, Governor Phil Murphy has slammed the Biden administration for a plan that would increase congestion in the streets of New York City. What’s the catch, you ask? Well, it turns out that this so-called “solution” would simply shift the pollution and emissions from New York to New Jersey, leaving the Garden State to deal with the consequences. Talk about a raw deal!

Under this misguided plan, the tolls to enter Manhattan would skyrocket to as much as $23 during the day and $12 at night. Can you imagine the audacity? It’s nothing more than a blatant cash grab, with New York expected to rake in a cool $1 billion from those poor souls who refuse to pay exorbitant tolls and instead choose to drive through New Jersey.

Governor Murphy, a staunch defender of his state’s environment, has rightly pointed out that this plan violates environmental laws. It’s a real slap in the face to New Jersey residents who will bear the burden of increased traffic and harmful pollution, all so that the Big Apple can line its pockets. It’s time to stand up against this reckless scheme and protect the hardworking people of New Jersey from being used as cash cows for other states.

Even New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez is up in arms about this outrageous plan. He called it a “shakedown” and vowed to defeat it. And who can blame him? It’s unacceptable for New York to try to balance its budget on the backs of New Jersey commuters. The tolling program proposed by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) will cause traffic congestion and funnel pollution into vulnerable New Jersey communities. That’s not the kind of neighborly behavior we expect.

The opposition to this plan doesn’t stop there. Local lawmakers, as well as business groups like the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce and the Meadowlands Chamber of Commerce, have all come out swinging against it. Even Representative Josh Gottheimer, a Democrat from New Jersey, is standing up for his constituents’ health and wellbeing. He rightly pointed out that if this plan moves forward, trucks will be pumping cancer-causing pollution into the lungs of our children. It’s simply unconscionable.

But guess who’s all for this disastrous plan? That’s right, New York City Mayor Eric Adams couldn’t be happier. After all, he gets to pocket a billion dollars while New Jersey bears the brunt of his city’s pollution. It’s truly a win-win for him, but a lose-lose for New Jersey.

And why is the Biden administration going along with this madness? Well, it’s not surprising when you consider their track record. They love to give the appearance of being environmentally friendly, even if those actions come at the expense of hardworking Americans. It’s just another example of their fondness for higher taxes and using the environment as a political tool.

It’s time for New Jersey to stand up, fight back, and protect its residents from being taken advantage of. Governor Murphy and his allies are leading the charge, and let’s hope they succeed in defeating this nonsensical plan. New Jersey deserves better than to be treated as New York’s dumping ground.

Written by Staff Reports

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