
Biden’s Blunders Set Stage for 2024 Catastrophe – Herridge Warns!

After Joe Biden’s calamitous presidency, America is bracing for a potential catastrophe of epic proportions in 2024, as per CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge. Herridge foresees a “black swan event” on the horizon, thanks to the weakened state of the nation under the Biden administration. She expressed her grave concerns on “Face the Nation,” suggesting that foreign adversaries such as North Korea, China, and Iran could pounce on the current vulnerabilities to wreak havoc.

Herridge’s ominous prediction of a “black swan event,” a term coined by statistician Nassim Taleb to describe a disastrous and unpredictable occurrence, has set the alarm bells ringing. She pointed to the ongoing wars in Israel and Ukraine, coupled with the unprecedented division within the country, as the perfect storm that could embolden America’s enemies to launch a devastating attack. With Herridge’s husband being an Air Force Lt. Col, her insight carries significant weight and urgency.

To compound the already dire situation, commenters on social media have been quick to place blame squarely on Biden’s open-borders policy for jeopardizing national security. The flood of illegal immigrants, which some estimate to exceed 10 million and include terrorists, has left the nation’s defense hanging by a thread. With no end in sight for this relentless invasion, concerns mount over the safety and integrity of America’s borders and national identity.

Additionally, fears of election fraud amplifying the vulnerability have been expressed by some online voices, furthering the apprehension for the forthcoming presidential race. The combination of unchecked illegal immigration and potential election interference threatens to tear at the very fabric of American democracy, leaving citizens anxious and disillusioned with the current administration’s stewardship.

Adding fuel to the fire, reports from Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin revealed that a record number of illegal aliens on the FBI terror watchlist were apprehended at the southern border, indicating a severe breach in national security. The staggering figure of 169 such individuals nabbed in a single fiscal year has shattered previous records and exasperated concerns about the porousness of our borders.

As if the daily invasion by hordes of illegal aliens wasn’t enough, the Biden administration’s wanton depletion of U.S. stockpiles to arm Ukraine has further exposed the country to potential peril. With 44 instances of military weapons being siphoned off for this purpose, the nation finds itself in a perilous position due to these brazen acts of negligence and shortsightedness.

Furthermore, the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal, which saw $7 billion worth of U.S. military equipment fall into the hands of the Taliban, serves as a damning indictment of the administration’s gross incompetence and disastrous decision-making. These episodes of administrative malpractice have not only emboldened America’s adversaries but also eroded the nation’s standing on the global stage.

In the face of such glaring ineptitude and vulnerability, Americans are left with a deep sense of foreboding. The desperate need for a competent and resolute leader to steer the nation away from this perilous path is palpable. As the nation braces for potential disaster in 2024, the urgency of reclaiming America’s safety and security has never been more vital.

Written by Staff Reports

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