
Biden’s Border Blunders Fuel NYC Crime Wave, Tourist Shot!

President Joe Biden’s disastrous immigration policies are proving to be a deadly nightmare for Americans, as illegal migrants are wreaking havoc and causing mayhem in cities across the nation. The NYPD Chief of Patrol, John Chell, revealed on NBC New York affiliate NBC4 that there has been a troubling surge in crimes committed by illegal migrants in the Big Apple. He described the alarming trend as “mob-like” behavior that is spilling over and adding to the everyday crime experienced by hardworking New Yorkers.

The recent arrest of a 15-year-old Venezuelan migrant, who allegedly shot a tourist in New York City’s iconic Times Square and fired at a police officer, further underscores the escalating danger posed by illegal migrants. Ironically, the shooting took place in a supposed “gun-free” zone, highlighting the utter failure of such policies to protect innocent citizens.

The migrant’s brazen act of violence began as a botched robbery at a sporting goods store, where he allegedly attempted shoplifting. When confronted by a security officer, the migrant resorted to using a .45 caliber handgun, firing shots that tragically struck a female tourist. Following his escape from the store, he audaciously fired at a pursuing police officer.

This disturbing incident is just one example of the dangerous consequences of President Biden’s reckless immigration approach. By neglecting to secure the border and promoting leniency towards criminal offenders, Biden’s administration has created a perfect storm of chaos and lawlessness, endangering the lives and safety of American citizens.

The Heritage Foundation has spotlighted the alarming connection between Biden’s open-border policies and the surge in crime rates, sounding the alarm on the dire threat posed to American lives. Since Biden assumed office, over 6.2 million illegal aliens have been encountered at the nation’s borders, with more than 2 million being released into the country’s interior. Far too many of these individuals have gone on to engage in criminal activities, posing a significant risk to the communities where they settle.

Shockingly, Border Patrol agents have come across thousands of illegal aliens with prior criminal convictions, including serious offenses such as assault, rape, and even murder, in 2023 alone. The true extent of crimes committed by illegal aliens remains unknown, with over 1.5 million unaccounted for “gotaways” since the beginning of Biden’s tenure. These grievous statistics serve as damning evidence of the havoc wreaked by Biden’s border surge and directly contradict the Left’s misleading narrative of a “humane” immigration policy.

Furthermore, the Biden administration’s apparent reluctance to provide ongoing updates on illegal alien crime data only exacerbates the lack of transparency and accountability. Fortunately, the Texas Department of Public Safety is diligently maintaining a live database tracking such incidents, shedding light on the disturbing reality of the situation.

In a jarring contrast to the previous administration, there has been an alarming 60 percent increase in migrant deaths under Biden’s leadership, further underscoring the absence of safety and order resulting from his reckless border policies. These troubling developments stand as a harsh rebuke to the Left’s misguided claims of compassion and decency in immigration policy, as the safety and well-being of American citizens continue to be disregarded and jeopardized.

Written by Staff Reports

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