
Biden’s Bribery Scheme Exposed, DOJ Silent: Witness Dead & Media Ignores Shocking Scandal

The mainstream media refused to cover the news about Joe Biden, the former US Vice President, who was reportedly involved in a widespread bribery scheme for years. The Department of Justice was aware of his suspected involvement in the scheme, but it had failed to take any action. Also, a key witness to the scheme mysteriously died.

Rudy Giuliani, a former US attorney and New York City mayor, revealed that he provided the Department of Justice with evidence related to the corruption case involving the Bidens. One of the witnesses he mentioned was the chief accountant of a company called Burisma, who was able to access the accounts of the Bidens that were linked to the scheme.

According to Giuliani, the Department of Justice did not follow up on the evidence. They were hoping that somebody would die or disappear.

The woman who was the wife of a former owner of the company known as Burisma died mysteriously. According to Rudy Giuliani, she was the one who oversaw the illegal transfer of huge sums of money to the Bidens.

The comments by Giuliani came after the House Oversight Committee conducted an investigation regarding the informant file of the FBI. Despite the evidence that was presented to them, the federal agencies did not follow up on their investigations.

A former chief prosecutor from a country in Ukraine claimed that he had a document that proved that Biden is a corrupt person. During his time as Barack Obama's vice president, Biden targeted the prosecutor, Victor Shokin.

In a video clip that was released, Biden admitted that he threatened to withhold a billion dollars in aid from Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko if the country's prosecutor general Shokin was not fired. This implied that he used a bribe to force the authorities to stop their investigation into his son, Hunter, who was a member of the board of directors of a company that was allegedly involved in illegal activities.

Despite the allegations against Biden, the mainstream media has not shown any interest in reporting on his alleged involvement in a widespread corruption scheme. The American people should be aware of his wrongdoing and demand that the justice system handles it.

Source: Daily Fetched

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