
Biden’s Chaotic Press Conference Raises Serious Questions About His Mental Fitness

In a disaster of a press conference, President Joe Biden stumbled and bumbled his way through a series of gaffes and anger outbursts that left many scratching their heads. The much-anticipated event was delayed twice, foreshadowing the chaos that was to come.

Biden kicked things off with a rocky start, struggling with his introductory remarks before awkwardly fielding questions from a suspiciously pre-selected list of reporters. The display of anger on his face was hard to miss, hinting at the frustration bubbling beneath the surface. 


One of the most glaring blunders came when Biden confused Vice President Kamala Harris with former President Donald Trump, claiming he wouldn’t have picked “Vice President Trump” due to qualifications. The mix-up not only showcased Biden’s cognitive slip but also highlighted his team’s lack of preparedness. 


As if that wasn’t enough, Biden further stumbled when he referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin.” The moment served as a stark reminder of the president’s mental lapses, leaving observers concerned about his fitness for office. 


With reporters noting Biden’s apparent decline, his visceral reaction to criticism only added fuel to the speculation surrounding his competence. The press conference turned into a spectacle that may hasten calls for his resignation, as concerns over his ability to lead continue to mount.

Written by Staff Reports

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