
Biden’s Desperate Bid to Cling to Minority Vote Slips Despite Cash Splash

In an attempt to win back the supporters of his victorious 2020 campaign, President Biden is going all out in anticipation of a possible 2024 rematch with former President Donald Trump. According to polls, the president is losing support from minority voters in spite of his best efforts. While Asian, Black, and Latino people still lean Democratic, their support is declining. However, Biden does not like to watch his support fade. He's acting, oh dear!

The Biden team has been denying for some time that there is a lack of enthusiasm in his coalition, but they are suddenly beginning to acknowledge the issue and take action. In an attempt to differentiate themselves from Trump, they have therefore made a concentrated effort in recent weeks to engage with female and minority voters. Biden has been everywhere, attending upscale fundraisers in Texas and introducing his brand-new "Latinos con Biden" initiative in Arizona and Nevada.

And no, the Biden team is also pulling the issues card. It's not only about giving hugs and bear hugs. They are counting on Biden's abortion-related positions to provide him an advantage over Trump in several states. A campaign adviser said that people in Nevada and Arizona are passionate about preserving access to abortion, and Biden intends to take advantage of this enthusiasm. Additionally, they are attempting to create a semblance of chaos surrounding democracy by asserting that the Republican Party in Nevada is essentially controlled by Trump's indicted fictitious electors and that Trump loyalists in Arizona initiated audits of elections. In an effort to portray Trump and his allies as the antagonists in this narrative, the Biden team is really going all out.

However, Biden is also making a lot of effort to connect personally with minority voters in addition to focusing on politics and policy. Using St. Patrick's Day as a metaphor for Latino ideals, he has been giving radio interviews with stations that serve the Latino community. You did really read correctly. Like the good ol' Irish people, Biden claims that the Latino community is all about family, faith, and decency. It's obvious that Biden will say or do anything to appease these folks, even making dubious parallels.

Apart from extending cordial greetings and championing causes, Biden also issued an executive order allocating $200 million for women's health programs. Not to mention the campaign's significant financial edge against Trump. The Biden team is not afraid to spend a significant amount of money to win over these important voters, as evidenced by the over $150 million it now has on hand, much of which is going into minority outreach advertisements.

The Biden team has, of course, made its fair share of mistakes over the years. They've definitely had their moments, from Biden's odd remarks—such as implying that if you can't choose between him and Trump, "you ain't black"—to first lady Jill Biden's embarrassing comparison of her husband to "breakfast tacos." Hey, who hasn't occasionally stuck their foot in their mouth? Securing another term in the White House and winning over those critical minority voters are ultimately all that count. And it appears that Biden will do whatever it takes to get there!

Written by Staff Reports

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