Things aren’t going well, say most Americans.
A recent CNN poll questioned Americans what they thought of Biden’s presidency and what he’s done well.
That poll’s top answer, by a huge margin, was nothing.

Over half of those polled couldn’t name a single accomplishment in Biden’s first year.
According to CNN, one respondent said, “I can’t think of a single thing he’s done that benefits the country.”
In his remarks, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis stated that Biden had the poorest start of any president since the 19th century.
Although Biden campaigned on a theme of unity, the country looks more divided and broken since he started office—except possibly on performance reviews.
Biden’s approval ratings are currently at historic lows for a president.
Americans doubt their leadership for a reason: many national difficulties and outright disasters may be linked to this president’s and his allies’ shortcomings.
Here are seven.
1. Border Issues
Border security has been a constant fiasco, scarcely covered by the establishment media.
It was initially dismissed by Biden’s media allies as a “seasonal” issue. It was open-borders season.
Since Biden assumed office, a record number of migrants have crossed the border illegally. And it won’t go away.
2. The Afghan Withdrawal
Biden’s bungled pullout from Afghanistan was one of the lowest points of his administration and American foreign policy since Saigon fell at the end of the Vietnam War.
This administration promised a smooth withdrawal and a stable Afghan government once the US left.
The Afghan government disintegrated and the Taliban took over the country in just a few weeks, proving our intelligence failure.
Worse, Biden was nowhere to be found during the crisis. The world saw recordings of Afghans jumping from departing flights in a desperate bid to flee, but the administration remained silent and then manufactured excuses.
Biden’s leadership and ability were questioned by even left-wing media figures. When asked about the disastrous operation, Biden tried to stay calm and said there was nothing he or his team could have done to prevent it.
3. Energy Dependence
Biden’s climate czar, former Secretary of State John Kerry, said the situation in Ukraine is concerning because Russia will be distracted from combating climate change.
It exemplifies the Biden administration’s flawed priorities.
Although Russian President Vladimir Putin is ultimately to blame for the invasion, Biden aided Russia with his faulty energy policies.
For the first time in 75 years, the United States became a net oil exporter in 2018. Technological advances and the Trump administration’s deregulation initiatives have increased American energy independence and global impact on energy concerns.
This energy independence benefited Americans economically and hurt petro-states like Russia.
But the Biden administration changed course. It boosted green energy initiatives at the expense of fossil and nuclear power. These renewable energy sources cannot meet global energy demand. Biden increased regulatory costs on the oil and gas industry, limiting production. Most notably, he halted construction of the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to the US while essentially funding Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Germany to Germany.
These actions increased reliance on Russian oil and gas.
Now Biden says the administration will sanction Nord Stream 2. What if Obama had chosen a path that emphasized the US commitment to energy production and domination from the start?
4. COVID-19 Mandates
Biden stated he would stop the COVID-19 virus, not the economy.
Most Americans now feel COVID-19 is here to stay. Forcing Americans to acquire vaccines and requiring states to implement strict mask laws were beyond Biden’s powers.
Biden wanted to impose a vaccine mandate on private companies and other groups with 100 or more employees, even though he thought it was unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court agreed and overturned the order.
COVID-19 hasn’t vanished despite this clumsy Caesarism. Following an outbreak that sickened thousands of unvaccinated and vaccinated Americans, the omicron variety is finally receding.
This development undercut the premise for harsh immunization requirements and the infringement of civil freedoms.
As a result, Biden’s COVID-19 plan has lost favor. Even Democrat-run states and localities are beginning to relax immunization card and mask laws.
Why can’t we stop forcing youngsters to participate in this farce if celebrities can watch the Super Bowl without masks?
Americans are fed up and ready to move on.
5. An increase in criminal activity
Since the summer of 2020, violent violence in American cities has skyrocketed.
It’s a trend that’s not going away. 12 US cities set homicide records in 2021, ABC News reported in December.
This trend mirrored—and perhaps exacerbated—the “defund the cops” movement. Many Democrat-run localities have implemented this motto by defunding police forces and curtailing aggressive policing.
It’s no surprise that cities that cut police budgets have the highest rises in violent crime. After great harm, some local leaders are now reversing course and restoring police spending.
Not that rash left-wing district attorneys like Chesa Boudin in San Francisco and Alvin Bragg in New York City don’t prosecute crimes.
Biden has largely avoided blaming his Democratic Party’s radical policies for the situation.
Rather than chaotic rioting and soft-on-crime policies, Biden blames the epidemic and guns for the steady rise in violence and criminality. Some saw this as an indication that Obama had drifted from the message of left-wing activists.
According to the defunding crowd, Biden suggested in January that police should get extra money to hire “psychologists and social workers.”
6. Inflation
Biden believed his administration had a handle on inflation.
“Let me be clear: My administration recognizes that long-term unchecked inflation would be a serious economic challenge,” Biden stated. “While we are confident that is not the case today, we will remain vigilant in case a response is required.”
Now that the year is well underway, inflation is worsening.
Inflation has become practically unavoidable for most Americans. Even senior Democrats admit inflation is out of control.
In December, inflation topped 7%, the highest since 1982. But this isn’t the 1980s.
So says The Wall Street Journal. Inflation had declined from 14.8% in 1980, the penultimate year of Jimmy Carter’s one-term presidency.
To reverse the spiral, the Federal Reserve needed to tighten monetary policy and trigger a recession.
7: War Against Parents
The Justice Department certainly does not consider violent crime as a genuine threat to the country.
No, the real threat is parents who disagree with local school policies.
Parents across the country, especially in far-left San Francisco, have organized to protest numerous schools’ erroneous and frequently immoral policies.
Parents are frustrated up with everything from critical race theory to over-the-top COVID-19 rules that required youngsters to remain home for almost a year or wear masks all day.
The result is self-government in action.
The left’s answer has been to vilify parents and scare them with an FBI probe.
Even though no such threats had been made, Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered the FBI to investigate in October.
The Biden administration treated parents like domestic terrorists.
Many local school boards appear to have pushed Garland to write his memo. Teachers unions also provide the organization a lot of money.
A co-founder of an organization that promotes “culturally responsive training” and other critical race theories, Garland’s son-in-law.
So the attorney general’s memo appeared to have severe conflicts of interest as well as threatening parents.