
Biden’s DOJ Shuffles Hunter’s Tax Case for Sympathetic Judge!

In a shocking turn of events, the Department of Justice, under the bumbling leadership of Joe Biden, is attempting to sweep Hunter Biden’s tax charges under the rug. But fear not, dear reader, because this scheme is as transparent as that time Joe Biden claimed to have been the fastest runner in high school.

The DOJ’s plan? Oh, it’s a real doozy. They want to dismiss the charges against Hunter in one jurisdiction and then conveniently re-file them in another. Why? Well, it seems that they’re hoping for a more sympathetic judge who might be willing to look the other way when it comes to the younger Biden’s tax evasion.

You see, back in June of 2023, Hunter Biden was hit with two counts of failing to pay taxes. The charges were initially filed in Delaware, thanks to a little agreement where Hunter promised not to challenge the venue and would plead guilty. But everything went topsy-turvy during a hearing in July when Hunter suddenly decided to plead not guilty. It’s almost as if he thinks he can get away with anything just because his dad is the President. I mean, who does he think he is, Hillary Clinton?

Now, the Biden DOJ wants to move the case to a different district. But why would they do such a thing, you ask? Well, it’s simple really. They’re hoping to find a judge who is more lenient towards Hunter Biden. Someone who will turn a blind eye to his alleged wrongdoing and let him off the hook. Talk about privilege.

But the plot thickens even further. Attorney General Merrick Garland, in a move that can only be described as pure desperation, has appointed a Special Counsel to oversee the investigation into Hunter Biden. And who did he choose? None other than U.S. Attorney David Weiss. Oh boy, this just keeps getting better.

This appointment has raised serious concerns among those who actually care about justice. There are allegations that Weiss dropped charges against Hunter Biden before, even after he had approved them. And let’s not forget the accusations that Weiss hid evidence and prevented the investigation from looking into Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s shady business dealings. It’s like a bad episode of Law & Order, but without the order part.

In the end, it’s clear that the Biden DOJ is doing everything in its power to protect Hunter Biden. They’re playing games with the court system, pulling strings behind the scenes, and appointing special counsels left and right. It’s a farce, a charade, a blatant disregard for the rule of law. But what else can we expect from the Biden administration? They’ve shown time and time again that they have no respect for the Constitution or the American people. It’s time to hold them accountable and demand justice for all, not just for the politically connected elite.

Written by Staff Reports

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