
Biden’s Mysterious Black Curtain in Lahaina Revealed! Why it Matters

There’s been a lot of buzz on social media about a black cloth and wire fencing surrounding the fire-affected area in Lahaina, Maui. Some people have even given it the nickname “Biden curtain.” It seems that whenever there’s a mystery, people love to speculate and come up with all sorts of theories. Maybe it’s a function of our lack of trust in government today. But fear not, because here comes the official explanation! It turns out that the black wall or curtain is actually a dust screen. Yes, you heard that right. It’s meant to keep the dust and ash from blowing onto the highway as the debris is being cleared.

So basically, it’s there to protect you from getting a face full of dirt while you’re driving. How considerate of them! The wall/curtain will cover a whopping 30,000 linear feet and stretch for five miles. That’s a lot of screen! According to Robin Shishido, the Hawaii Department of Transportation Deputy Director for Highways, they plan to build it up to 12 feet high and it will probably be there for at least a year. That’s right, folks. A whole year of living with the “Biden curtain.” I guess the poor folks of Maui will have to get used to the sight of a construction zone for a while longer. But hey, at least it’s for their safety, right? Plus, it’s not like the federal government is spending their own money on this.

They’re using Emergency Relief funding from the Federal Highway Administration, along with some state dollars. So basically, we, the taxpayers, are footing the bill for this fancy dust screen. And let’s not forget the irony here. Joe Biden, the man who famously said that walls don’t work, is now associated with a giant wall. Oh, the irony! But hey, if it keeps the dirt off the highway, maybe we can forgive him. Maybe.

Written by Staff Reports

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