
Biden’s Press Sec. won’t answer who’s paying for family’s vacations

In yet another display of incompetence and dishonesty, President Joe Biden’s Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has made outrageous claims about the President’s travel to Ireland. When asked about who will be covering the travel costs of Biden’s family members who will be accompanying him on the trip, Jean-Pierre refused to give a straight answer, claiming that Biden handles family travel on official trips like “other families.”

Jean-Pierre has also laughably claimed that Biden is a president who follows the law in an appropriate manner. However, the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Biden has repeatedly flouted the law, with the Supreme Court calling out his unconstitutional actions. For instance, when Biden tried to impose a federal vaccine mandate through OSHA, the Supreme Court invalidated the majority of the policy, stating that Biden lacked constitutional authority to enforce it. Similarly, Biden’s decision to extend a federal eviction moratorium was struck down by the Supreme Court as lacking lawful authority reserved for Congress.

This press briefing is not the first time Jean-Pierre has avoided giving a straightforward answer about the funding of Biden family travel. When asked in March whether taxpayers were being reimbursed for the travel costs of Biden’s granddaughter, Natalie, during her spring break trip with the President to California, Jean-Pierre was once again evasive. It seems that the White House is trying to hide actual answers from the press and the American people.

This raises even more questions about who is paying for the Biden family’s lavish vacations. Is it the American taxpayer? Until the White House provides concrete and honest answers, the American people will be left in the dark. One thing is clear – the Biden administration has no regard for transparency, ethics, or the law.

Written by Staff Reports

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