
Biden’s Secret White House Soirées: Donor Parties in Full Swing, Ignoring Rules & Priorities!

President Joe Biden is at it again, folks! Despite the wise advice of his legal counsel, he just can’t resist the temptation to host his wealthy buddies at the White House in preparation for the 2024 election. I mean, who needs rules anyway? According to a report, Biden has been wining and dining his donors in private meals and briefings. Sounds like quite the party, doesn’t it?

You see, the White House Counsel’s office has some pesky restrictions on these types of events. But Biden, being the maverick that he is, has decided to ignore them. I guess rules are only for the little people, right? Oh, but don’t worry, he did stop taking donors to the Oval Office after getting a warning. I bet that really hurt his feelings. Now he’ll have to settle for schmoozing with them in other rooms, like the White House map room, the old family dining room, or the tennis pavilion. So fancy!

But let’s not forget the Hatch Act, which apparently allows the president to meet and entertain donors at the White House. However, there’s a little catch – he can’t solicit campaign contributions while he’s there. That would just be wildly inappropriate…if only somebody could remind Biden of that.

Now, don’t get me wrong, hosting donors at the White House is nothing new. Even former President Donald Trump did it. But that doesn’t excuse Biden’s blatant disregard for the rules. I guess he thinks he’s above the law, just like he thinks he’s above enforcing immigration laws or securing our border. Classic Biden move.

According to insiders, Biden’s little donor parties are all about reassuring his base. With Trump lurking in the shadows, Biden wants to make sure his supporters know that he’s still fit to be president. And what better way to do that than by discussing Trump, the Israel-Hamas war, and even access to abortion? Because those are obviously the most pressing issues facing our nation right now.

But hey, Biden’s friends seem to think these secret rendezvous are working wonders. One person even said that it has dispelled any doubts about Biden’s determination, energy, and passion. Well, I hate to break it to them, but a few fancy dinners at the White House doesn’t change the fact that Biden’s policies are a disaster. Just take a look at the inflation, the chaos at the border, and the weakening position of the United States on the global stage.

In the end, it’s clear that Biden is more concerned with cozying up to his deep-pocketed donors than actually governing. But don’t worry, folks, the White House assures us that they take all rules seriously. Sure, let’s just believe that with our eyes wide shut. Remember, this is the same administration that can’t even handle basic tasks like securing our southern border or dealing with rising crime rates.

So buckle up, America, because it looks like Biden’s donor party at the White House is just getting started. Who needs accountability and transparency when you can have champagne and caviar? It’s going to be a bumpy ride to 2024, but hopefully, the American people will see through this charade and demand leaders who actually prioritize their interests over their own political careers.

Written by Staff Reports

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