
Biden’s Spox Gaslights Nation as Border Crisis Spirals, Media Complicit

The Biden administration is no stranger to spinning the truth, but their chief spokesperson, Karine Jean-Pierre, takes it to a whole new level of gaslighting and outright lies. She consistently refuses to address the expanding Biden family enrichment scheme scandal, conveniently ignoring any questions about ethical concerns. And when confronted with the president’s disastrous border crisis, she shamelessly denies the failures and insists that the flow at the border is being stopped.

But the facts tell a different story. Just yesterday, Border Patrol apprehended over 7,000 migrants who crossed the border illegally. And that’s not even counting the known gotaways or those who enter through ports of entry. These numbers far exceed the drop in illegal crossings that the Biden administration bragged about in June. It’s clear that the border crisis is worsening, with weekly numbers now double what even Obama’s DHS Secretary considered a crisis.

Yet, Jean-Pierre has the audacity to claim that President Biden has done more to secure the border than anyone else. This is a laughable lie. Since taking office, approximately seven million illegal crossings have occurred, making it the worst border record in modern American history. The Biden administration’s refusal to reinstate successful Trump-era policies and their anti-enforcement stance have directly caused this crisis.

But why does Jean-Pierre get away with lying and stonewalling? The answer is simple: the press corps is largely composed of leftist activists who align with the Biden administration’s agenda. They’re more interested in protecting their team than holding them accountable. Despite Jean-Pierre’s incompetence, they hesitate to make things more difficult for her because they’re on the same side. The media ‘fact checkers’ also give Biden a pass because he’s a Democrat, plain and simple.

And let’s not forget about President Biden’s schedule, or lack thereof. Despite Jean-Pierre’s claim that he’s busy and energetic, yesterday’s presidential schedule was completely empty. Not a single public event, except for a few minutes discussing a hurricane at FEMA. Today, he’s embarking on his third vacation in as many weeks. It’s hard to keep up with a president who’s always on vacation.

The blatant lies and evasiveness of the Biden administration should outrage Americans. It’s time to hold them accountable for their failed policies and disregard for the truth. We deserve better than a spokesperson who consistently insults our intelligence and a president who prioritizes vacations over addressing the urgent issues facing our country.

Written by Staff Reports

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