
Biden’s Student Debt Plan Seeks Youth Vote Amid Struggling Campaign

The team behind Grandpa Joe’s campaign is scrambling to make him look good, even though his brain keeps tripping him up. They’re desperate, like a football team throwing long passes just to survive. They tried cozying up to Hamas supporters to win votes, but now they’re after the young voters. 


Biden is trying to erase billions in student debt, claiming it helps the middle class. But it’s not just Republicans who disagree; the Supreme Court does too. Colleges are pricey thanks to leftists in charge, not the GOP. And canceling so much debt sets a bad precedent for borrowing responsibility.

The youth vote is like a unicorn – hard to pin down. Last election, bored housewives, not kids, showed up for Joe. Bernie’s out, but the “Free Palestine” crowd is in. Biden’s support is as low as chronic diarrhea, likely due to his law-breaking antics. Even if he offers freebies, young people might not show at the polls.

It seems like Biden’s team wants the kids’ votes for more than just winning. Who benefits when he bails out students? Not the hard-working Americans. Perhaps it’s to keep the young distracted with treats and games. Let’s hope they see through this ploy and make smart choices in the election.

In the end, Americans want a leader, not a scammer. While Biden tries to buy votes with debt cancellations, true conservatives see through the facade. Let’s focus on restoring integrity to the White House, not buying favors from the younger generation.

Written by Staff Reports

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