
Biggs Vows to Impeach Biden, Expose Dems’ Criminal Misconduct

In a stunning revelation, Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona vowed to push for the impeachment of Joe Biden after the Democrats impeached former President Donald Trump. This comes as no surprise, knowing the capricious and unscrupulous tactics employed by the Democrats. The House Democrats impeached Trump without any reasonable or concrete evidence, purely as a way of taking revenge on a president who did his job well and stood up for American citizens.

Biggs, a patriotic American, made clear that Biden is not above the law. He stated that Biden’s criminal misconduct during the election is beyond reprehensible. Biggs even went as far as to say that some might suggest that Biden committed treason, but he is holding his tongue on that for now. However, he is adamant in his resolve that Biden should be impeached and indicted once he is out of office.

The Democrats seem to believe that they can get away with anything, including rigging the election and getting their way. But, as Biggs points out, there is mounting evidence against Biden, evidence that will surely convict him of his crimes. It is time for the Democrats to face up to the consequences of their actions and not hide behind their lies.

The American people deserve better than a leader who has been elected through illegal means. The Democrats have shown their true colors, and they should be ashamed of themselves. Biggs is right, talk is cheap, and action must be taken. It is time for the Democrats to come to grips with what they have done and to pay the price for their crimes against the nation.

In conclusion, we cannot let the Democrats continue to deceive the American people. We need to take back our country from their corrupt grasp and restore our values and principles. Let us pray for justice and swift action in the coming days. Follow Kyle Becker on Twitter @kylenabecker for more updates on this developing story.

Source: Trending Politics

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