
BLM Founder Ditches Dems for Trump – Minority Voters Stir Red Wave

The Democrats have hit another roadblock, and this time it’s a giant one. Mark Fisher, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter Rhode Island, has shocked his liberal comrades by throwing his support behind the one and only, former President Donald J. Trump. In a jaw-dropping interview on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” Fisher didn’t hold back as he unleashed a tidal wave of truth bombs about the Democratic Party’s betrayal of the black community. You can practically hear the sound of liberal heads exploding across the country.

Fisher didn’t mince words as he slammed the Dems, unapologetically stating, “It’s obvious that the Democratic Party is not for us.” You can almost see the panic inside the DNC headquarters as they realize their grip on the black vote is slipping through their fingers like sand. Oh, the horror!

But Fisher didn’t stop there. He went on to call out the Dems’ “duplicity” and “hypocrisy,” hitting them where it hurts the most. Not only did he express his unwavering support for President Trump, but he also made it crystal clear that the Democratic policies are tearing apart the black family and the nuclear family.

The shockwaves continued as Fisher revealed that he’s not alone in his awakening. He boldly declared that he and his fellow “brothers” aren’t falling for the Dems’ lies anymore. They see through the facade and recognize true support when they see it. And who do they see it in? None other than the man himself, Donald J. Trump.

In a moment that undoubtedly sent shivers down the spine of every Democrat, Fisher praised President Trump, stating, “Trump has done more for the black community than any president I can think of in my lifetime.” It’s like music to conservative ears, folks. The truth is finally being spoken, and the liberal elite can’t stand it!

But wait, it gets even better. Trump himself acknowledged Fisher’s bold stance and BLM’s support for him, further solidifying the shift in the political landscape. The Dems are quaking in their boots as they watch their stronghold over the black vote crumble before their very eyes.

As more and more black voters open their eyes to the reality of the Democrats’ empty promises, the blue wave of support for the party is drying up faster than a puddle in the desert. Polls show Trump gaining ground among black voters in battleground states, a nightmare scenario for the Dems. With only 41 percent of black adults wanting Biden to run again in 2024, it’s clear that the Democratic Party’s grip on the black community is slipping away like sand through their fingers.

The Democrats are in for a rough ride as their grip on the black vote weakens by the day. With more and more black voters seeing through their deceptive tactics, the once solid blue wall is starting to crack. It’s a wake-up call for the Dems, and they better start hitting the snooze button because the red wave is coming, and it’s stronger than ever!

Written by Staff Reports

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