
Bobulinski’s Lawyer Torches Raskin in Fiery Defense

In a scorching letter, the attorney standing up for Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, lashed out at House Oversight Committee member, Jamie Raskin, for trying to tarnish his client’s reputation through the media. Raskin had the audacity to claim that Bobulinski failed to provide any proof of Joe Biden’s sketchy involvement in his family’s business affairs during an interview. But hold on to your MAGA hats, folks, because Bobulinski’s legal eagle, Stefan Passantino, swooped in to set the record straight!

Passantino rained down fire and brimstone on Raskin, accusing him of spreading lies and misleading the public by suggesting Bobulinski’s testimony was a waste of time. The sheer nerve of Raskin and his cronies to dismiss Bobulinski’s claims of Biden family shadiness is enough to make Uncle Sam shed a tear. It’s a sad day when heroic whistleblowers like Bobulinski are attacked by swamp creatures like Raskin!

Bobulinski laid it all out – how China was cozying up to the Bidens like a stray cat to a warm lap, infiltrating and corrupting the highest echelons of power. Passantino’s mic-drop moment came when he revealed text messages and emails hinting at good ol’ Joe Biden’s sticky fingers in his offspring’s business cookie jar. The plot thickens faster than a pot of MAGA chili on election night!

But wait, it gets juicier! Passantino dropped a truth bomb, calling out Raskin’s circus act during Bobulinski’s testimony. Republican sources spilled the tea, revealing that Raskin and his minions behaved like toddlers throwing a tantrum at Chuck E. Cheese. How dare they disrespect the hallowed halls of Congress with their silly antics! The nerve!

ABC News, bless their heart, goofed up by wrongly attributing a damning email to Bobulinski instead of Hunter’s buddy, James Gilliar. The mainstream media strikes again, folks! And let’s not forget Raskin’s selective amnesia – conveniently forgetting that numerous individuals and organizations were caught fibbing about the whole shebang. But fear not, truth-seekers, because Passantino is calling for a showdown – a live, oath-swearing, truth-unveiling showdown that will make Watergate look like a kids’ lemonade stand dispute.

In the battle between the truth warriors and the deceitful denizens of the Deep State, the line has been drawn in the sand. It’s time to grab the popcorn, folks, because the fight for justice and transparency is about to get wilder than a Trump rally on steroids!

Written by Staff Reports

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