
Book Reveals Biden’s Border F-bombs as Southern Crisis Deepened

According to a book about Joe Biden's first year in office, the president cursed at times when he couldn't find a solution to the border crisis.

Chris Whipple's book, which is titled The Fight of His Life, details Biden's anger at how his administration tried to secure the border.

According to the book, Biden was furious as the number of immigrants coming into the country kept growing. The president reportedly cursed and dropped f-bombs in the West Wing.

The book states that one of Biden's advisers said that the president's frustration was caused by a lack of solutions.

In the book, the adviser said that the president felt frustrated because he didn't have the solutions that he was looking for. Whipple also noted that Biden had a short fuse during his first few days in office.

In the book, Whipple noted that Biden had previously reserved the use of the F-word for certain discussions. However, he reportedly started using it more frequently.

The lack of solutions to the border issue has been a shortcoming of the Biden administration. In the spring, he tried to end the public health measure known as Title 42.

The Supreme Court temporarily froze the program's expiration after the justices were asked to intervene. The following day the administration asked the court to allow the program to continue until at least Tuesday.

As the number of immigrants entering the country continues to increase, Border Patrol agents are becoming increasingly busy.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Washington Examiner.

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