
Shocking New Poll Gives Biden A Reality Check

The survey asked whether or not Joe Biden has made the country better or worse. The respondents were split on whether or not his presidency has made a difference.

Almost half of the respondents said Biden has made the country worse, while 34 percent claimed that he has brought the nation better. Another 17 percent claimed that the country is not much different, and two percent were unsure.

Despite the majority of Democrats believing that Biden has made the country a better place, 18 percent of the respondents claimed that he has made it worse.

Independents and Republicans were more likely to believe that Biden has caused the country to get worse than better.

The results of the survey showed a pessimistic outlook, with 42 percent of the respondents stating that the country’s best days are already behind it. Only 38 percent think the country will be on the best track in the future, while 20 percent are unsure.

The Democrats were the most positive of the groups, with 52 percent stating that the country would be on its best path in the future. However, 36 percent of independents and 56 percent of Republicans believe that the country’s past successes are behind it.

Per Rasmussen Reports:

Despite the majority of voters over 40 believing that Biden has led the country to a worse place, only 36% of those under 40 believe that he has made the country better. On the other hand, almost half of voters under 40 believe that the country will be on its best track in the future.

Almost three-quarters of the respondents, including 26% of black voters, 37% of white voters, and 40% of other minorities think that Biden has led the country in a better direction. On the other hand, almost half of the respondents, including 46% of other minorities, believe that Biden has led the nation to a worse place.

The survey was conducted by Rasmussen from December 14 to 15, 2022, among 900 likely voters in the U.S.

The results of the survey coincide with the release of the massive $1.7 trillion spending bill. It contains over 4,000 pages of legislation, and conservative members of the House warned Senate Republicans not to support it.

Correction: In the original article, the figures for aid to Ukraine and earmarks were mistakenly expressed in millions instead of billions.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Breit Bart.

Written by Staff Reports

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