
Border Agents Uncover Shocking Human Smuggling Attempt

Amidst the chaos and lawlessness that has erupted under President Biden’s “open border” policies, Border Agents in Texas have uncovered nearly 60 illegal aliens crammed inside of a Penske box truck in an alleged human smuggling attempt. Kudos to the Texas Department of Public Safety who caught these illegal immigrants loading into the truck near El Paso on Wednesday. Inside the truck were 58 migrants, hailing from Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala – an absolute breach of our laws.

To make matters worse, the driver, who goes by the name of Marquez Oviel, is, in fact, also an illegal immigrant from Mexico. What kind of message does this send to the rest of the world? Clearly, under Biden’s leadership, anything goes at our southern border. When will he finally take some responsibility for this massive influx of illegal activity?

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened either. In November of last year, dozens of illegal immigrants were uncovered inside a dump truck in a human smuggling attempt. The truth is that under Biden, human smuggling attempts at the southern border have surged.

Despite all of this evidence that Biden’s border policies are reckless and causing a severe immigration crisis, mainstream media outlets continue to downplay just how catastrophic the situation has become. Thankfully, outlets like Fox News are taking notice, showcasing footage of a Texas National Guard soldier rushing towards the Rio Grande to help a migrant child seen drifting down the river alone. The border agents and the soldier are the real heroes in this story, doing everything in their power to protect our borders and keep us all safe.

But even with all of these acts of heroism, border agents are struggling to keep up as hundreds of migrants are being tricked by smugglers in their quest to cross into the United States. Most of the migrants come from Venezuela, and many of them are being falsely assured that they will be allowed to remain in the U.S. Little do they know, they will simply be expelled under Title 42, meaning all of their efforts to come here will have gone to waste.

It’s time for President Biden to take a stand and enforce our immigration laws. The Texas National Guard and border agents cannot do this alone. It’s time for some leadership from the White House, rather than the chaos that we are currently seeing at the southern border. Joe Biden needs to take a long, hard look at himself in the mirror and ask himself whether he is truly doing what is best for the country he promised to lead.

Written by Staff Reports

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