
Breaking: Abbott Defiant in Face of Texas Buoy Removal Order!

A federal judge ruled that Texas must remove the massive floating barrier that was part of Operation Lone Star by September 15. This structure, which measured over a thousand feet tall, has been criticized by both the Biden administration and Mexico. The Biden administration also sued Texas, claiming that the U.S. government has the exclusive authority over the area. It's clear that the state's officials are more concerned with appeasing their Mexican friends than securing the border.

A judge appointed by the Reagan administration ruled that the wall along the Rio Grande was not in keeping with the federal law, and it was an obstruction that violated the Rivers and Harbors Act. However, Texas maintained that the barrier was not designed to hinder navigation. It was constructed to help prevent drugs and migrants from entering the state. This issue has been a problem that the Biden administration has failed to address.

Despite the judge's ruling, it is clear that the barrier does not deter migrants. They merely go through the river. Also, most of the fentanyl that enters the country is smuggled by people who are in the US legally, such as tourists or citizens.

In its defense, Texas claimed that the US Constitution gives the states the power to defend themselves against what it referred to as a foreign invasion. Unfortunately, Judge Ezra did not agree with the state's arguments. It is very disappointing that a judge would reject a valid defense of its sovereignty.

In response to the ruling, Abbott immediately appealed it. He noted that the state would continue to fight to maintain its sovereignty and vowed to deploy all available resources to ensure the border remains secure. The governor also said that he would take this battle to the Supreme Court if necessary, and it shows that he is willing to defend the state's legal standing. It's also clear that he is not backing down from the fight.

Written by Staff Reports

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