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‘Bring Comfort’ to Shooting Victims’ Families: Joe Biden to Visit Uvalde, Texas

In the wake of a shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden announced on Wednesday that they would be traveling to the city.

It is hoped that Biden’s visit to the town of Uvalde may provide some solace to the people who are still reeling from the tragedy and loss that has befallen them.

On Tuesday, a lone shooter opened fire at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, killing 19 pupils and two teachers before he was shot and killed by police authorities.

During a White House ceremony to sign executive measures on police reform, the president addressed the incident.

President Biden once again vented his rage about the failure of his gun control legislation to pass in the House of Representatives.

Angry, President Joe Biden said, “When in God’s name will we do what has to be done to, if not completely stop, fundamentally change the amount of carnage that goes on in this country?’

The massacre at the school served as a catalyst for the president to renew his proposals for more gun control measures, specifically a new ban on assault weapons.

“To state the obvious… I’m sick and tired. I’m just sick and tired of what’s going on and continues to go on,” he added.

Once again, he said erroneously that the Second Amendment was restricted when it was first introduced to the Constitution and that it did not permit anybody to own a cannon at the time.

“When it was passed, you couldn’t own a… you couldn’t own a cannon, you couldn’t own certain kinds of weapons. It’s just, there have always been limitations,” Biden said.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on BreitBart.

Written by Staff Reports

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