
Can Joe Biden Sacrifice Hunter to Save 2024 Campaign?

The President is about to be in a lot of trouble as his son, Hunter Biden’s nefarious activities are finally coming to light. The President will be forced to decide whether to acknowledge his son’s illegal activities or misdirect to keep his 2024 presidential campaign rolling. This decision is made more difficult due to the severity of Hunter’s activities, including alleged business dealings, an abandoned laptop filled with compromising material, and his treatment of his illegitimate daughter. These revelations could be a problem for Biden’s re-election campaigns, according to a Democratic strategist.

However, even though Hunter being convicted would be detrimental to Biden’s image, it will not be as damaging as Trump’s conviction. According to Brad Bannon, Democratic strategist and president of Bannon Communications Research, this is because Trump is running for President in 2024, whereas Biden will only be running for re-election.

Many Republican 2024 Presidential candidates like Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy are also jumping on the bandwagon to expose Hunter Biden’s alleged activities. Hunter Biden is expected to remain in the spotlight leading up to the presidential elections. Ramaswamy stated that the 2024 election will be a referendum on corruption, and the Biden family’s corruption will be at the center of it.

The Republican lawmakers are not going to allow these charges to disappear anytime soon. Republican Tennessee Senator, Marsha Blackburn, said that the Hunter Biden issue is not going away anytime soon. Americans are tired of the two tiers of justice that dismiss Hunter Biden’s pattern of corruption for too long. Blackburn wants answers to questions like which deals did Hunter score using his father’s political connections? Which Biden family members were potentially involved in money laundering, and how deep are the Biden family’s ties with Communist China?

There have been allegations that the Biden family tried to hide payments from foreign nationals worth over $10 million. This is on top of the allegations surrounding Hunter Biden’s business dealings, paternity hearings, and his association with Communist China. All this combined could significantly harm Joe Biden’s image if he does not choose to properly address these issues.

In conclusion, Hunter Biden’s corrupt activities could be the downfall of Joe Biden’s presidency. Biden needs to acknowledge his son’s activities, and if he does not, his weakened defenses in the debates would make him appear “emotive.” Trump would probably hammer away at Joe Biden during the presidential debate due to his son’s illegal activities. The public will care more about the conviction of a presidential candidate than a president’s son. President Biden should take responsibility for his granddaughter’s existence and not refuse to acknowledge her publicly.

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