
Casey Scores Union Nod, Dems Eye PA Senate Shake-Up!

In Pennsylvania, there was this big shindig at the Plumbers Union Local 27 building in Pittsburgh where Sen. Bob Casey, Jr. was being all fancy and schmoozing with the crowd. Now, picture this, Edward J. Bigley, the head honcho of the Plumbers Union Local 27, got up on the stage looking like a million bucks and started yammering about how his union folk were all gung-ho about supporting Casey. He jabbered on about their crew surviving in a real tough and unfair environment and how Casey having their back meant the world to them. He even said, “Very simply, building trades support candidates who support us,” which sounds like common sense to anyone with a lick of sense, if you ask me.

And then Casey himself piped in about how it was a real honor to snag the endorsement of the Pittsburgh Regional Building Trades Council, especially since they usually throw their weight behind Republican candidates. I mean, that’s a hoot and a half, right? A Democrat like Casey getting the nod from a bunch of stone-cold union guys? What’s the world coming to?

But wait, there’s more! So, apparently, there’s this big hullabaloo about how the party lines in the good ol’ U.S. of A. have been stretchin’ wider and wider, like a pair of pants after Thanksgiving dinner. You got them smarty-pants folks leaning left and the hard workin’ crew without college degrees leaning right. It’s like a seesaw on steroids, I tell ya!

Then, Casey starts tootin’ his own horn about how he earned the support of the building trades by waving around his record and flashing a winning smile. He’s been runnin’ for office and winning since way back in 1996, and boy, he ain’t shy about tellin’ everyone about it!

Now, let’s not forget about Dave McCormick, the fine lad running against Casey for that Senate seat. According to a CNN survey, the voters are playin’ the “I don’t know him” game when it comes to McCormick. The race between Casey and McCormick is expected to be one for the history books, y’all, and they’re both itching to snag those hard-working voters.

But hold onto your hats, folks, ’cause it ain’t over yet! Casey’s been flapping his gums about energy – seems like he doesn’t see eye to eye with President Biden on some energy stuff. There’s this whole shebang about clean energy tax cuts and hydrogen hubs, and Casey’s all hot and bothered about making sure it’s a win for the working stiffs in Pennsylvania.

And don’t even get me started on the ruckus over natural gas and how Biden’s put a kibosh on exporting it. Casey and his buddy, Sen. John Fetterman, are making a big stink about it, ’cause Pennsylvania is strutting around as the second biggest natural gas-producing state after Texas. It’s like a battle of the titans, but with politicos and pipelines!

So, Casey’s also piping up about the American Rescue Plan, touting its benefits for small towns and touting his own reports about “greedflation” and “shrinkflation” and “junk fees.” He’s a busy bee, that Casey, makin’ sure everyone knows what’s what about inflation and who’s to blame. And don’t even get him started on K-12 education – he’s singing the praises of federal money coming in to save the day. It’s like he’s the town crier, but instead of ringing a bell, he’s ringing the alarm about how great he is.

Then there’s Gov. Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania, throwing his two cents into the ring, saying that Casey’s in for the fight of his life. ‘Cause let me tell ya, whoever wins the Senate race in Pennsylvania is gonna have a say in who wins the big kahuna of a presidential contest. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, folks, and Casey’s right smack dab in the middle of it all.

Written by Staff Reports

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