
Chicago Couple Beaten by Violent Teen Swarm During Downtown Riot

A Chicago couple has recently come forward with their terrifying story of being surrounded and attacked by a swarm of young people during violent rioting and looting downtown. Ashley Knutson and DJ Garrison-Johnson were innocently strolling through the area when they were suddenly confronted by a large group of teenagers. These young delinquents then proceeded to beat them to the ground while shouting profanities and dragging them into the street.

The couple informed the media that they were downtown Chicago for a bit of leisurely shopping and to grab a bite to eat. Unfortunately, they had no idea that a swarm of rowdy and violent teenagers had taken over the streets. Knutson claimed that a teenager shoved her, which caused Garrison-Johnson to ask them to stop. It was at that moment that all hell broke loose and the teenagers began to attack them.

“They said they were going to kill us,” Knutson recalled. “They turned around and started fighting. I got pushed down to the ground, and the whole group went to DJ and not to me.” Garrison-Johnson suffered multiple injuries, including a black eye, sore back, and possibly dislocated shoulder.

To make matters worse, this violent swarm of hundreds of teens made national headlines after flooding Chicago’s swanky Magnificent Mile neighborhood. They caused chaos by breaking car windows, attacking bystanders, and even shooting guns. The rioting was so severe that the city had to deploy SWAT downtown to try and control the situation.

Once again, this highlights the failure of liberal leadership in Chicago. The mayor and city officials have let the situation spin out of control, allowing lawlessness to reign supreme. What’s next? A complete breakdown of order and chaos in the streets of Chicago? The only solution is to support law and order candidates who will make Chicago safe again.

Written by Staff Reports

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