
China Launches 11 Missiles In Response To Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit

China launched missiles in the Taiwan Strait in retaliation to Pelosi's visit. China's military said the drills involved conventional missile launches and long-range explosive projectiles.

Beijing claims Taiwan as its territory, and the shots were meant to warn the island that declaring independence and building international alliances would lead to military reprisal.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying cautioned about Pelosi's Taiwan visit. "If the U.S. goes its own way, 

Six zones in the island's north, south, and east waterways were targeted. "All missiles hit the target ," said the PLA.

Gu Zhong, the PLA's deputy head of staff, called the action a "necessary response" to Pelosi's visit. The military move was a "stern message to ill-intentioned officials and separatist forces seeking 'Taiwan Independence,'" he said.

CCTV stated China unleashed "hundreds" of warplanes and over ten vessels. "Practical training exercise of unprecedented scale," it said.

Thursday at 1:56 p.m., Taiwan's Defense Ministry conducted a live-fire simulation. Taiwan detected the projectiles with early warning systems. It found 11 missiles in the island's water.

At least five Chinese missiles landed in Japan's EEZ, according to Vice Foreign Minister Takeo Mori.

Taiwan feared China's military might escalate after Pelosi's visit. Last week, it ran civil defense drills to prepare for the threat.

Taiwan's Defense Ministry is ready to adjust. ''The three service branches will combine efforts with all the people to jointly safeguard national security and territorial integrity."

John Kirby, U.S. NSC coordinator, said Monday, "We are clear that nothing has changed about our one China policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act. We do not support Taiwan's independence."

After visiting Taiwan, Speaker Pelosi issued a contradicting remark. Pelosi:  "Our Congressional delegation's visit should be seen as a strong statement that America stands with Taiwan. We came to Taiwan to listen to, learn from and show our support for the people of Taiwan, who have built a thriving Democracy that stands as one of the freest and most open in the world."

China's plans are unknown, although the military exercises will end on Sunday.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Blaze Media.

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