
Clownish Pro-Hamas Mob Targets NYC Tree Lighting, Flashes Swastikas

It seems like déjà vu all over again. For the second time, hordes of pro-Hamas clowns, yes, actual clowns, descended upon Rockefeller Center in New York City, trying to ruin the Christmas tree lighting. Can you imagine, clowns with a political agenda? Talk about inappropriate timing! But don’t worry, folks, they ended up at the wrong place. Maybe next time they can brush up on their GPS skills.

Now, I bet you’re wondering how clowns and Christmas trees relate to Nazis. Well, hold on to your Santa hats, because these pro-terrorist demonstrators decided to unleash their inner neo-Nazis and wave around swastikas. And guess what? This isn’t their first rodeo. They did the exact same thing during the Israel-Hamas conflict. Swastikas were proudly displayed in Times Square and even in sunny California. Who knew the Golden State had such a deep affinity for hate symbols?\

But it’s not just about swastikas, folks. These pro-Palestinian activists have taken to social media, accusing Israel of being the new Nazi Germany and labeling Israelis as actual Nazis. Seriously? Comparing a democratic country defending itself against terrorism to one of the most evil regimes in history? That’s like comparing cotton candy to a three-headed monster.

Let’s call a spade a spade here, folks. These pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas, pro-terrorist rallies are filled with individuals who are more than willing to don a Nazi persona to push their warped agenda. They don’t want world domination based on racial purity, but religious domination based on Sharia law. They’re not hiding it, folks. They’ve been very vocal about their desire to wipe Israel off the map and harm Jews everywhere.

So, here we are, witnessing the same old script with a slight plot twist and different actors. It’s like a bad sequel that just won’t go away. But let’s not be fooled. Underneath the clown makeup and the fake smiles lies a dangerous ideology that seeks to destroy the values we hold dear. It’s time to see these rallies for what they truly are: neo-Nazi activity fueled by hatred and ignorance.

So, to all the pro-terrorist clowns out there, please reconsider your life choices. How about spreading joy and laughter instead of promoting hate and divisiveness? And to those who buy into this nonsense, it’s time to open your eyes and see the truth. Israel is fighting to protect its citizens from terrorism, not engaging in a genocidal campaign. It’s time to put away the clown costumes and start supporting the only democracy in the Middle East. It might not be as flashy as a Christmas tree, but the values it stands for are worth fighting for.

Written by Staff Reports

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