
Coup Rocks Russia: Wagner Group Seizes Power, Putin’s Reign in Peril

The last thing that liberals want to hear is that Russia is facing a coup led by the Wagner Group PMC. However, this is the reality of the situation. The infamous Wagner Group honcho, Yevgeny Prigozhin, is currently at the forefront of the coup attempt. This is happening at a time when Russia is believed to be unbeatable and Putin is considered a strategic genius. This coup attempt is proof that Putin’s leadership is out-of-touch and rapacious.

Wagner Group PMC Enters Moscow Oblast

The Wagner Group fighters have successfully entered Moscow Oblast after bulldozing their way through government checkpoints. If they reach Moscow proper, this could be the endgame. The implications of this coup are dire, which is why this development is not only significant but also worrying. It’s unclear what will happen next, but there are many reports of Russian Army units rallying to Wagner.

Wagner Recalls Troops From Africa for Coup

There are reports that the Wagner Group has recalled its fighters from Africa to take part in the coup. These fighters will face unemployment and hostile people if the coup fails. However, if they’re at home, they have a plausible excuse ready for the FSB. It’s essential to remember that Wagner’s recall of their troops in Africa shows how serious and dangerous this coup is.

Russian Army Units Rally to Wagner

The coup is gaining traction as many Russian Army units are allegedly rallying to Wagner. Reports show that some units have agreed to play “not my circus, not my monkey.” The fact that these reports keep increasing is evidence that the coup is spreading, and Putin’s regime is in mortal danger.

Wagner Group Siege Government Offices in Voronezh

The Wagner Group has taken control of government offices in Voronezh according to the BBC. This is not a good sign for Putin’s regime, as the coup gains traction.

Prigozhin Poised to be a Nuclear Power

A Wagner-controlled nuclear weapon storage facility outside Voronezh is in danger of falling to Yevgeny Prigozhin’s hands. Even though this won’t give him arming codes, it’s a massive blow to Putin’s regime, and it could potentially provide Prigozhin with a seat at the table.


The coup could end soon or could last a while, but one thing is clear. Putin’s regime is on the verge of destruction. There’s little to no evidence that Russian elites are trying to defend him, and the security forces aren’t fighting. In that environment, Russian Army units will continue to defect to Wagner, potentially changing the game entirely. The future is unpredictable and murky, but it’s clear that Putin’s reign is in grave danger.

Written by Staff Reports

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