
Daines Leads GOP Charge Against “Migration Mess” Bill

Sen. Steve Daines, the big cheese at the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), is putting his foot down when it comes to the wacky border bill that came out on Sunday night. This senator from Montana is the first one from the Republican bigwigs to shout from the rooftops that he’s not going to lend his support to this migration mess.

In a post on X, Daines made it perfectly clear why he’s giving this bill a big thumbs down. He’s not buying into a plan that doesn’t firm up the border, dishes out taxpayer dollars for lawyers for people who broke the rules, and hands over bags of cash to radical open borders groups. He says, “I’m a no,” and he means it.

This move by Daines is sending a strong message to other Senate hopefuls, even the current ones, telling them to steer clear of this political poison. And, get this, the GOP’s big shot, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, put Sen. James Lankford on the front lines of the Republican team, but everyone knows McConnell is the one calling the shots.

Meanwhile, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is making moves to push this wonky bill forward, with the first big vote set for Wednesday. But hold onto your hats, because at least three Democrats have hinted they’re not on board with this plan, and there could be more jumping ship. If three Democrats and a dozen Republicans stand firm, this whole thing could hit a huge roadblock.

The bottom line? Sen. Daines isn’t afraid to say, “thanks, but no thanks” to a bill that doesn’t sit right with him, and he’s letting everyone know about it. It’s about to get real interesting up on Capitol Hill, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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