
Daly Dishes Swing Secrets: ‘We Want Trump Back’

Golf legend John Daly expressed his desire for the re-election of former President Donald Trump to the White House in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson. Throughout the interview, Daly expounded upon his political stance and lamented the perceived dearth of common sense within the nation. When queried about his perception of the prevailing viewpoint among golfers, Daly assuredly replied, "Indeed." He continued, "I believe that everyone on the tours and in every other way wants Daddy Trump to return."

Carlson, beaming, demanded that Daly provide further details regarding his remark. Daly elaborated that he considers Trump to have been an exceptional president and an all-around good person once one became acquainted with him. He recalled a golf tournament that took place between the early and mid-1990s, during which Trump claimed with assurance that he would attain the presidency one day. Daly disclosed that Trump disclosed his intentions to run for president to him shortly after their initial encounter.

Daly stated of Trump, "He is an exceptionally intelligent individual. Individuals must rally behind him. We are obliged to take action." When queried whether his assessment of Trump as a future leader was shared by other professional golfers, Daly responded, "Golfers adore Trump. I will remain by his side until the day I perish. "In my experience, he is among the most exceptional individuals in the world."

Daly's endorsement of Trump and confidence in his aptitude for leadership exemplify the profound affinity that certain golfers harbor for the ex-president. Many in the sport, as Daly stated, yearn for Trump's re-election and believe he would have a positive influence on the nation.


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