
Damning Report Exposes DOJ Involvement In Russiagate

The investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia was carried out by the Department of Justice. During this time, they subpoenaed the communications of staff members of Republican congressmen.

According to the New York Post, the first instance of this was in November 2017. The agency demanded that Google hand over information about two of the committee's senior staff members, who were headed by Congressman Devin Nunes. The information was delivered to the Justice Department on December 5.

According to the report, Google was required to provide the information about its customers and subscribers, which included their names, e-mail addresses, and residential and business addresses. The company was also asked to provide the source of the payment for the services it offered, such as credit cards or bank accounts.

During the time, the committee was investigating the methods used by the FBI to illegally monitor the Trump campaign. In addition, Congressman Nunes asked the FBI and the Department of Justice to provide him with the information related to the controversial Steele Dossier, which was funded by the campaign of Hillary Clinton. Despite the claims contained in the document, the investigation by the FBI has been largely discredited.

Due to the company's policy, it took several years for it to inform its users about the subpoenas. The documents were made public recently.

Kash Patel, the former senior counsel of Nunes, claimed that the two-tier justice system was alive in 2017 as the authorities conducted surveillance on the staff members of the House of Representatives.

"According to Patel, the FBI and the Department of Justice used a Grand Jury to obtain his personal records, and every member of Congress should be demanding an investigation regarding the alleged corruption in the Russiagate investigation. He noted that the authorities were able to do this through political vengeance, and it was brought to them by Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray, who were both charged with protecting the Constitution."

During this period, the subpoenas were issued as the investigation by Robert Mueller into the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia was ongoing. After two years, the team of investigators concluded that there was no collusion.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on AM Greatness.

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