
Daring Congresswoman Calls for Biden’s Out! Shocking Details Inside!

Republican Representative Claudia Tenney has wasted no time in demanding that President Joe Biden be removed from office following the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s report. Tenney wrote a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, insisting that if Biden is not mentally competent to stand trial, then he is not competent to serve as president.

In her letter, Tenney highlighted Hur’s report, which stated that he did not recommend charges against the president due to his “poor memory” and lack of willfulness. Tenney argued that if Biden lacks the mental acuity to be prosecuted, then he lacks the ability to fulfill his presidential responsibilities.

Tenney pointed out Biden’s notable memory lapses, including forgetting what position he held and when, as well as not remembering when his child died within a span of several years. She emphasized that these lapses are concerning and may indicate that Biden is not mentally competent to stand trial.

Tenney called on Garland to initiate proceedings to remove Biden from office in accordance with the 25th Amendment of the United States Constitution. She firmly stated that there is no middle ground, asserting that Biden should either be charged or removed from office.

However, the likelihood of Biden being removed from office through the 25th Amendment is slim, as it would require a vote by two-thirds of both houses of Congress. With Democrats holding the majority in both the House and the Senate, it seems highly improbable for Republicans to force Biden out without significant support from Democratic lawmakers.

Tenney’s letter to Garland has not been publicized on her official House website, but she did share a Fox News story about it on social media. In her post, she reiterated her belief that there is no middle ground when it comes to Biden’s mental capability to stand trial and his fitness to serve as president.

As the debate over Biden’s competence continues, it remains to be seen how this letter will impact the political landscape and public perception of the president.

Written by Staff Reports

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