
Deep State Refuses to Release Biden’s Beach House Logs

The Biden family continues to operate in an aura of secrecy and corruption as new details emerge about the mysterious visitors to Joe Biden’s beach house in Rehoboth. Despite the Secret Service being asked repeatedly to reveal their visitor logs, the agency has refused to comply with the Freedom of Information Act request. It’s no secret that some high-profile individuals visit the president, but who are these people? The public has the right to know.

The corruption within this family is widespread, with reports of shady business deals with multiple governments, allegedly trading access for cash. The Romanian government funneled millions of dollars to shell companies connected to the Biden family. The Clintons established a brazen scheme with their foundation, but the Biden family takes it one step further. The White House is selling Hunter Biden’s “artwork” to buyers whose names are hidden, raising suspicions of money laundering.

One has to ask themselves, why would the president want to keep his visitor logs hidden? Perhaps it’s because people and officials who have forked over serious cash to this family want to ensure their credit is still good with this clan. The family has even gotten themselves into hot water over the mishandling of classified records. It’s no surprise that Hunter probably can’t even tie his shoelaces without permission from his father.

The Secret Service’s refusal to release visitor logs only adds fuel to the fire of corruption surrounding the Biden family. The agency claims that emails reflecting visitors to the president’s residences are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. But who do they think they’re fooling? This is a transparent attempt to hide the corrupt dealings of this family from the American people.

The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their leaders. The public deserves to know who is visiting the president’s home, particularly those high-profile individuals who may have made financial contributions to the Biden family. The Biden family must come out of hiding and be held accountable for their corruption. It’s time to put an end to this dog and pony show and reveal who is really behind the curtain.

Source: Townhall

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