
Deep State Shelters Hunter: CIA Blocks IRS in New Scandal

A scandalous tale of government interference and shady dealings has emerged, revealing how the deep state may have swooped in to shield Hunter Biden once again. A courageous whistleblower has lifted the veil on the Central Intelligence Agency’s sneaky maneuver to block IRS investigators from chatting with Kevin Morris, a Hollywood lawyer who’s linked to the Biden family and has showered Democrats with hefty donations.

The House Oversight and Accountability Chairman, James Comer, and the House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Jim Jordan, are up in arms about this latest development. They penned a scathing letter to CIA Director Bill Burns, exposing how officials from the Department of Justice were supposedly summoned to CIA headquarters to ensure Morris wouldn’t spill the beans in their probe into Hunter Biden’s dubious financial dealings.

The shady shenanigans don’t end there. The letter from Comer and Jordan blasts the CIA for its clandestine tactics and demands that all incriminating documents and internal communications related to Hunter Biden be coughed up pronto. It’s a classic case of the swamp protecting its own, with Hunter Biden seemingly getting the VIP treatment while regular folks would be left swinging in the wind.

This bombshell revelation unravels the web of corruption that seems to follow Hunter Biden like a shadow. The fact that Morris had loaned Hunter a cool $5 million and splurged $750,000 on his questionable artwork raises serious red flags. It’s a blatant display of influence-peddling and backroom deals that should have no place in the halls of power.

The silence from the CIA and the White House speaks volumes. Their lack of transparency only fuels suspicions of a cover-up and a concerted effort to shield Hunter Biden from facing the music. It’s high time for accountability and justice to prevail, and for the American people to see through the smoke and mirrors of the elite’s power games.

The latest chapter in the Hunter Biden saga is a stark reminder of the need to drain the swamp and hold those in power accountable. The cozy relationships and shady dealings that have come to light paint a damning picture of privilege and corruption at the highest levels. It’s time to shine a spotlight on these dark corners of Washington and restore faith in our government by exposing and rooting out the rot within.

Written by Staff Reports

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