
Democrats Duped: Pro-Christie Faction Tricked Dems to Block Trump in Primary!

To impede the victory of former President Donald Trump in the New Hampshire primary, two political organizations endorsing the candidacy of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for president have distributed correspondence to Democrats in New Hampshire, imploring them to transition their party registration temporarily.

Mailers distributed by the pro-Christie Tell It Like It Is Super PAC to registered Democrats featured images of the demonstrators at the Capitol on January 6 and contained a warning that Trump should never again enter the Oval Office. The postal campaign poster motivated Democratic candidates to change their political affiliation and participate in the Republican primary by promising that re-registering for the opposing party would be a simple process. In an additional digital advertisement, American Leadership Today attempted to convince Democrats to change their party affiliation by emphasizing the significance of constitutional protection.

These endeavors underscore Christie's electoral approach of establishing himself as an unwavering adversary of Trump. Christie expressed his strong disapproval of Trump's conduct in a public manner, stating during a Republican primary debate that it is unacceptable for others to normalize his behavior. Christie defended his right to free speech notwithstanding the fact that his remarks elicited both applause and disapproval. Furthermore, he unequivocally declared his non-support for Trump in the event that he were to obtain the Republican nomination.

Conservatives find it praiseworthy that these political organizations are endorsing a candidate such as Chris Christie and opposing Trump. As a former governor, Christie has demonstrated his aptitude for leadership and the capacity to execute difficult decisions. Through their advocacy for New Hampshire Democrats to change their party affiliation and cast their ballots against Trump, these organizations underscore the criticality of choosing a candidate who genuinely adheres to conservative principles and safeguards the Constitution. Preventing an individual such as Trump, who has demonstrated dubious integrity, from securing the Republican nomination and potentially tarnishing the presidency's reputation is of the utmost importance. Christie's steadfast pledge to abstain from endorsing Trump should he obtain the nomination serves to reinforce his reputation as an upright and conservative presidential candidate.

Written by Staff Reports

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