
Democrats Struggle to List Kamala Harris Achievements at Convention

In a display that could only be described as a masterclass in dodging tough questions, delegates at the Democratic National Convention struggled to pinpoint any actual achievements of Vice President Kamala Harris. Instead, they pointed to vague policy proposals and ideological aspirations that seem more suited for a college debate than a serious discussion about leadership.

When approached by a knowledgeable journalist from a conservative outlet, several delegates were more inclined to sing the praises of President Biden rather than offer any concrete accomplishments of Harris. Bonnie Daniels from El Paso made it clear that the Vice President doesn’t occupy the big chair. Instead, she highlighted Biden’s so-called “fabulous” economic policies. If one were to take a shot at a “zero-sum” game of political credit, it appears Harris has come up empty handed.

Then, there’s Luciano Garza from Texas, whose idea of an achievement seems to boil down to camaraderie rather than real victories. Garza expressed excitement about what he termed “freedom” the ticket will supposedly fight for. This begs the question: Are liberal platitudes enough to win over hearts and minds? Or are the party faithful grasping at straws in a bid to cover for a lack of hard facts?

Sophia Rodriguez, eyeing the bright future of healthcare with a rosy lens, cited Harris’s focus on affordability in insulin prices—an achievement that, frankly, belongs to the previous administration. The irony isn’t lost here: while Democrats claim progress, they conveniently ignore that it was Donald Trump who first installed caps on insulin prices for seniors. But true to form, the current leaders promptly reversed that gain, displaying a classic case of political amnesia.

Then there’s the fervor for public education which Rodriguez mentions, but again, it strays into the abstract. Harris’s so-called advocacy eventually lands on free school lunches, which seems far less revolutionary than tackling the deeply entrenched education issues that plague American classrooms across the nation. Perhaps a more significant achievement would be ensuring students learn to read and write before discussing their lunch options.

Last but not least, two Arizona delegates had the audacity to bring up Harris’s focus on “reproductive rights”—which appears to be the crux of their vision for progress. They seemed enamored by the idea of Harris being a champion for the “common man and woman.” Yet, proposing generous tax credits and educational subsidies doesn’t necessarily equate to real-world solutions when many families are struggling to make ends meet due to rising prices on everyday necessities.

Overall, the enthusiasm at the DNC resembles a group playing charades; there’s lots of animated gesturing but a glaring lack of substance. The so-called achievements touted by delegates seem more like vague promises and wishful thinking than genuine milestones. For those keeping score, it might be time to hit the refresh button on what constitutes real progress and achievements.

Written by Staff Reports

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