
Dems Melt Down as SCOTUS Unites for Trump Ballot Victory!

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold was fuming after the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that former President Donald Trump could not be removed from state primary ballots. In a fiery appearance on MSNBC, Griswold, a Democrat, took aim at Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Ginni Thomas, and bashed the court’s decisions, despite the ruling being a unanimous one.

Griswold didn’t hold back, expressing her disappointment in the court and claiming that she was trying to “save democracy” by making efforts to keep Trump off the state ballot. According to Griswold, the court’s decision puts the responsibility on American voters to “save our democracy in November.”

However, in a bizarre turn of events, Griswold also claimed to be “glad” that a ruling was made to give voters “clarity” before Super Tuesday, despite her previous expressions of disappointment and disdain for the Supreme Court’s decisions.

Additionally, even though the three liberal Supreme Court justices ruled in favor of Trump remaining on state ballots, they still found a way to criticize part of the majority opinion, expressing their dissent with the majority’s effort to define the limits of federal enforcement of a specific section of the 14th Amendment.

In summary, Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s reaction to the Supreme Court’s ruling was nothing short of a rollercoaster, as she expressed intense disappointment, laid blame on Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, and then bizarrely claimed to be “glad” about the ruling, leaving many scratching their heads at her contradictory statements.

Written by Staff Reports

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