
Dems Wage War on GOP over IVF, Twisting Truth for Agenda

House Democrats, up to their old tricks once again, are launching a smear campaign against Republicans over in vitro fertilization, demonstrating their continued dedication to making everything about reproductive rights. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is targeting six House GOP lawmakers and two former members with a contemptible billboard campaign, going so far as to attack their support for the Life at Conception Act. These desperate Democrats are using the Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling on frozen embryos as an excuse to attack the IVF process and the women who rely on it, all while conveniently ignoring the protection it deserves.

Their dastardly targets include House Republicans such as David Schweikert, Mike Garcia, Michelle Steel, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Don Bacon, and Scott Perry, along with former members Yvette Herrell and Mayra Flores. It’s clear that the Democrats are grasping at straws, trying to stir up controversy and mislead voters about the Republicans’ stance on IVF. They’re peddling the same old tired narrative of Republicans being anti-IVF, conveniently forgetting that the GOP has voiced support for IVF and even released statements in favor of it.

The Life at Conception Act, introduced by Rep. Alex Mooney, defines a “human being” as including all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization. Yet, the devious Democrats conveniently overlook this in their relentless pursuit of smearing Republicans. Their spokesman, Justin Chermol, has the audacity to claim that House Republicans are willing to do anything, including banning IVF, to achieve their goal of restricting reproductive rights. It’s all liberal propaganda designed to mislead the American people.

Even though Rep. Michelle Steel withdrew her support for the Life at Conception Act and made her stance on IVF crystal clear, the Democrats won’t let up. They continue to spread lies and misinformation about her, all while disregarding her personal experience with IVF. It’s truly despicable how low they’ll stoop to push their agenda. The Republicans are not the ones trying to restrict IVF; on the contrary, they recognize its importance and value in helping countless Americans become parents.

But the Democrats won’t stop there; they’re set to plaster their deceitful message on billboards and digital platforms throughout April, hoping to mislead and manipulate the voters. It’s shameful how they resort to such underhanded tactics to score political points. With the Democrats fixated on IVF and abortion, the Republicans have no choice but to push back and set the record straight. It’s clear that the Democrats are running scared, desperately trying to distract voters from their own failures by targeting Republicans with baseless accusations and lies. The American people deserve better than this kind of deceitful politicking.

Written by Staff Reports

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