
Disney’s $110M Marvel Flop: Desperate CEO Blames COVID, Sequels, & Denied Woke Agenda!

In a stunning display of obliviousness, Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger tried to explain away the colossal failure of ‘The Marvels’ at the box office. I mean, come on, it was a complete flop! The film barely made a dent, only bringing in a measly $110 million. And this is Disney we’re talking about, the powerhouse of the entertainment industry. How could they have gone so wrong?

According to Iger, the problem lies in the sheer quantity of Marvel films. He claims that too many sequels diluted the quality. Well, Bob, here’s a newsflash for you: it’s not the number of films that’s the issue, it’s the quality of the films themselves! Maybe instead of churning out one mediocre sequel after another, focus on creating something truly remarkable. But I guess that’s too much to ask from the Disney machine.

Interestingly, Iger also blamed the COVID lockdowns for the lack of supervision on set. Oh, so now a global pandemic is responsible for your movie’s failure? Classic excuse. Maybe instead of shifting the blame, take a hard look at your own management and decision-making skills. It’s not a conspiracy, Bob, it’s just poor leadership.

And let’s not forget about Disney’s newfound obsession with injecting politics into their content. Iger claims that they prioritize entertainment over social messages, but we all know that’s a load of baloney. The company has become a breeding ground for woke ideology and virtue signaling. It’s no wonder audiences are getting turned off. People come to Disney for escapism, not to be lectured about the latest trendy cause. Stick to what you’re good at, Disney, and leave the preaching to the politicians.

Iger had the audacity to call those who criticize Disney’s politicization of content “dead wrong.” Oh really, Bob? We’re dead wrong? It seems like you just can’t handle the fact that people are fed up with your company’s agenda-pushing. We’re not stupid, we know politics when we see it. And if you genuinely believe that taking positions on environmental issues is purely a matter of business, then you’re even more out of touch than we thought.

In the end, it’s clear that Disney’s problems run deep. From lackluster sequels to pandering to the woke crowd, they’ve lost touch with what made them great in the first place. It’s time for a serious course correction, but I doubt Iger has the vision or courage to make it happen. Maybe it’s time for a new CEO who can steer Disney back towards entertainment excellence and leave the politics at the door.

Written by Staff Reports

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