
Disney’s financial spiral blamed on costly woke agenda as employees face layoffs

Disney’s financial problems are looming, with reports suggesting that a large number of employees are gearing up to lose their jobs. Notably, the situation is so dire that some employees have speculated that they wouldn’t mind losing their jobs. Disney CEO Bob Iger has committed to downsizing the company, and as early as next week, the layoffs may begin. Disney’s unstable financial condition has stemmed from the company’s expensive activism agenda, with shows and movies pushing LGBT and cultural messages that parents don’t support.

Breitbart’s John Nolte has explained how Disney has landed itself in this precarious position. According to him, Iger and his team recklessly incurred massive debt, handing Disney’s financials steeper heights to climb. Before leaving, Iger also made sure that an expensive woke agenda was embedded in Disney’s programming, from Marvel to Buzz Lightyear. Nolte has aptly pointed out that this problem started with Iger, which the left-leaning CEO conveniently failed to own up to.

Disney has lost significant parts of its audience and, as a result, has faced a decline in its ratings. The Left’s obsession with leftist ideology characterizes most of the company’s productions, with LGBT and divisive racial themes taking center stage. The views of parents who hold sway over their children’s viewing habits have been ignored.

Disney could have learned a lesson from the decline of CNN and MSNBC, the ratings of which have cratered due to their leftist ideology. Iger and his team felt that Disney’s magic was immune to political preferences.

With Disney’s current position in the market, the company cannot win, regardless of what it does. If it moves away from woke programming, the Left will scream “racist and homophobic.” If it stays true to its ideology, Disney can never be as profitable as it once was. Nonetheless, the company’s current financial troubles come as little surprise, a consequence of its shortsightedness and its failure to understand its audience.

Written by Staff Reports

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