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Elon Musk Responds To Twitter’s Russian Collusion Hoaxer

“What next?” was the natural question after Musk’s massive purchase to buy Twitter. Would Musk clean house, removing all left-wing leaders and employees? Or would he be more laid-back and let some of the worst offenders keep their jobs? We’re getting close to figuring out the solution.

Over the last 24 hours, Musk has chastised Vijaya Gadde. She presently serves as Twitter’s top lawyer and oversees the content control department. She was in charge of not just banning Donald Trump, but also concealing the report about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Musk’s takeover was another topic to which she reacted less maturely.

Musk responded to the revelation that Jim Baker, a former FBI agent who is now at Twitter, set up the meeting that Michael Sussmann used for the false Alfa Bank tale. Sussmann has been indicted by John Durham’s special counsel.

These are the two discussions that a Washington Post “journalist” brought to your attention, who appears to think it’s terrible that Musk would disclose clear misconduct involving Twitter workers.

To begin, I’d want to point out that Musk’s call for bad actors has been treated with a double standard. These are the same journalists who supported Libs of TikTok’s doxxing. They didn’t say Taylor Lorenz went too far, and they didn’t express concern about Libs of TikTok’s online harassment. Musk’s mere statement, “Yes, terrible people are awful,” is enough to worry journalists about internet harassment. Isn’t it strange? It almost looks as if journalists are only interested in topics that support their political beliefs.

Musk’s reaction to these articles, on the other hand, is critical. This is a clue that Twitter is undergoing significant changes. Others on the right, who are more pessimistic, believe he would come in and maintain the existing quo. If this were true, he wouldn’t be criticising Gadde or Baker, who are currently in critical leadership roles at the corporation.

Musk definitely did not invest $44 billion to allow Twitter to continue to operate as a leftist mouthpiece, censoring speech that does not fit the narrative. Musk isn’t technically in charge yet, but once he is, you can expect him to burn the building down. Jim Baker has to leave. Vijaya Gadde, the brains behind Twitter’s censorship, needs to leave.

Yes, there will be some backlash and skepticism, but it will primarily come from the mainstream media. Musk’s words, on the other hand, have given me hope that he can handle this. The left is well aware that it is losing the battle. They are starting to sense that their authority is eroding, both in terms of electoral control and freedom of expression. Musk is the ideal person to keep this train on the tracks.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on American Liberty Daily.

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