
Elton John Amused by Trump Nicknaming Kim Jong Un after Hit Song

Elton John recently expressed amusement over former President Donald Trump’s playful jab at North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, referring to him as “Little Rocket Man.” This nickname, which Trump coined way back in 2017, right after North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile, seems to have struck a comedic chord with the pop icon. According to reports, Trump claims the title was meant as a compliment, given that “Rocket Man” is a beloved tune of his. One has to wonder if Trump was aiming to lighten the mood while discussing a regime that might not have a full grasp of Western pop culture.

During an interview at the Toronto Film Festival, John chuckled at the cleverness behind Trump’s moniker. He acknowledged that the former president had been a longtime fan, attending countless Elton John concerts, and it seems that bit of history gave John a chuckle. It’s heartening to see the overlap of music and politics, especially when it shows the North Korean dictator a catchy moniker that could cause a ruckus in the regime’s stuffy corridors of power.

Interestingly, it appears that even Kim Jong Un had to have the meaning of “Little Rocket Man” explained to him. Apparently, he was unfamiliar with the cultural reference, which could be an indicator of just how isolated the North Korean leader really is. Trump’s ability to blend humor into serious discussions is one of the attributes that his supporters appreciate. 
Imagine being at a lunch meeting with a dictator and exchanging laughs over a pop song—now that’s some lighthearted diplomacy.

John seems to suggest that Kim likely did not know who he was, which might come as a surprise to anyone thinking the North Korean elite have access to everything from military parades to global pop culture. His reluctance to tour North Korea solidifies the notion that some places are best left unexplored—especially when the powers that be could misconstrue a celebrity visit as something much more sinister.

While John reminded people of the importance of voting this November, he was careful not to endorse any particular candidate. Instead, he offered a vague hope that kindness would triumph in the upcoming elections. With mixed messages on political support, it’s clear entertainers are often more interested in creating headlines than standing firmly behind one party or another. Maybe it’s all just part of the game, where a pop star can laugh at a president and still maintain an air of neutrality in the public eye.

Written by Staff Reports

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