
EXCLUSIVE: Radical Far-Left Group (EIP) Partnered With Government And Social Media To Crush 2020 Election Reporting Targeted: Gateway Pundit

Far-left anti-free speech zealots partnered with the government and social media before the 2020 Election to combat election-related reporting. This evil partnership targeted The Gateway Pundit's factual reporting.

Far-left zealots who claim ownership of the 'truth' formed a partnership in 2020 to attack reports that the 2020 Election was stolen. The group's website opens with lies and far-left fantasies that prove its bias, dishonesty, and shameful efforts to cover up the 2020 Election Steal. Writing group:

On January 6, 2021, an armed mob stormed the US Capitol to stop a "fraudulent election." Too many Americans were shocked. The January 6 insurrection capped months of online misinformation aimed at eroding American faith in the 2020 election.

This paragraph undermines the group's goal of fighting disinformation. Lefty kids don't even know it.

Jan. 6 had no "armed mob." Antifa and a Fed were the only others with guns at the Capitol that day.

Second, the EIP's assumption that Americans attended Jan. 6 due to "months of online mis- and disinformation" is loaded with assumptions. The EIP's conclusion shows ignorance and bias. This group doesn't seem to consider that Americans protested because the 2020 Election was stolen. Perhaps?

Election Integrity Partnership formed in 2020. CISA and Stanford University initially funded it to address election complaints. EIP's report slammed this group.

The Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) funded four students to complete volunteer internships at DHS's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). CISA coordinates election cybersecurity issues, the FBI investigates and enforces cyber incidents, and intelligence agencies monitor for foreign interference. No U.S. agency is mandated to monitor and correct election misinformation. This is especially true for election disinformation originating in the U.S., which would be exempt from law enforcement action under the First Amendment and not appropriate for intelligence agencies restricted from operating in the U.S. Local and state election officials, who had a strong partner in CISA for election-system and overall cybersecurity, lacked a clearinghouse for mis- and disinformation targeting their voting operations during the 2020 election. The students approached SIO leadership in early summer, and a coalition of like-minded partner institutions was formed.

The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) was formed on July 26, 2020—100 days before the November election—as a coalition of research entities to support real-time information exchange between researchers, election officials, government agencies, civil society organizations, and social media platforms.

After the election, the group released a report detailing its shady activities before, during, and after 2020. A partnership formed the group. Atlantic Council, two Pac 10 universities, and Graphika formed this partnership.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on GatewayPundit.

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