
Exposed Iran Chemical Weapons Secret Unveiled! Find Out More

The case against Hamas is indisputable, and the evidence against them is overwhelming. It would be morally reprehensible not to take action against them, which is why President Biden’s decision to delay a ground invasion is a mistake. Now, there is a new concern about Hamas and Iran: Do they possess chemical weapons and do they plan to use them? This disturbing question arises from a recent report by Axios, which reveals that the Israeli military discovered a USB key containing instructions for the production of a “cyanide dispersion device” on the body of a Hamas operative involved in a terrorist attack on October 7th.

Israeli intelligence promptly shared this information with Western nations, including the United States, and Israeli President Isaac Herzog later confirmed the report. It is alarming to learn that the origin of these instructions can be traced back to a 2003 Al-Qaeda manual. While there is currently no evidence that Hamas is actively deploying chemical weapons, the fact that they possess this information, classified as “Top Secret” within the organization, raises serious concerns.

Unfortunately, Axios attempted to reach out to Hamas for a comment, but unsurprisingly, they did not respond. It is truly unbelievable that a US outlet would even think to contact a terrorist organization for a statement. Nevertheless, we must consider the possibility that Hamas, a group that uses drugs like “amphetamine-like captagon” to further incite its attackers, could resort to chemical warfare against innocent civilians.

Moreover, we cannot overlook the role played by Iran in this equation. Chemical weapons have been used extensively in the Middle East, with Syria being a notorious offender. It is deeply troubling that some Western media outlets, sympathetic to Hamas, have used images from Syria’s chemical attacks to falsely accuse Israel of immoral actions. This is yet another example of the ongoing blood libel and undeniable anti-Semitism within the press.

The close ties between Hamas and Iran cannot be ignored. Hamas receives support, supplies, and strategic guidance from Iran, a fact acknowledged by the White House itself. Iran’s involvement in recent attacks on US bases is further evidence of its relentless hostility. If there is no room for plausible deniability in the Hamas-Iran connection, then we must seriously consider the possibility that Iran is providing Hamas with the necessary resources and knowledge to manufacture chemical weapons.

Of course, it is impossible to know the answers to these questions with absolute certainty. Israel’s intelligence failure on October 7th should serve as a wake-up call and raise doubts about other potential threats. We must not dismiss the existence of these plans as mere relics from older terrorist groups. Instead, we should investigate whether Hamas has the capability to act on these plans and whether Iran is actively assisting them.

Until we can be confident that our intelligence systems have been improved and strengthened, we cannot afford to overlook any potential dangers. The unknowns surrounding this issue are far more dangerous than what we already know. The possibility of Hamas possessing chemical weapons is a significant concern that demands investigation. Additionally, the prospect of Iran having chemical weapons could be a game-changer in this conflict. It is crucial that we seek answers to these unsettling questions and take necessary actions to protect innocent lives.

Written by Staff Reports

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