
Fauci Comes Clean, Admits Misinformation For Political Reasons

Last week, Anthony Fauci, the US National Institute of Health's director of the COVID-19 virus response, revealed that one of the reasons why he repeatedly shot down theories about the virus' origin was due to his desire not to create tensions between the US and China.

According to a report by the Washington Free Beacon, Anthony Fauci, the director of NIAID, discussed his concerns about the allegations that China deliberately created and released the coronavirus during a deposition held as part of a lawsuit filed by Louisiana and Missouri Attorneys General. He also said that the Wuhan Institute of Virology could have accidentally released the virus as well.

According to Fauci, he was afraid that the Chinese would interpret his statements as an attempt to blame the country for the outbreak. This would only increase tensions between the two countries. “There was no evidence of that at the time, and that’s what I was concerned about,” Fauci continued.

Despite the various government agencies and organizations that refused to entertain the idea of a lab leak as the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic, the evidence clearly pointed to this as the most likely explanation. This is more than the other theories that were presented at the time, such as the emergence of the virus in a wet market in Wuhan.

Fauci and NIAID have come under fire due to their past support for research projects that the WIV was involved in. These projects may have contributed to the development of the virus.

The lawsuit filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana claims that the Biden Administration coordinated with various tech companies to suppress information about the COVID-19 pandemic. These included debunking the effectiveness of the vaccines, raising awareness about the negative effects of the vaccines, and discussing the lab leak theory.

Despite his insistence that he had never coordinated with tech companies about censorship, Fauci admitted that his daughter worked for Twitter until last year.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on AMERICAN GREATNESS.

Written by Staff Reports

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