
FBI Protecting Biden: Refuses to Hand Over Bribery Files to Congress

The Biden family is once again caught in the midst of a scandalous bribery case. The FBI, playing into the hands of the Democratic establishment, refused to give Congress the informant file of the covert bribes that President Joe Biden allegedly took during his tenure as Vice President. The FBI failed to comply with Republican Kentucky Rep. James Comer’s subpoena to hand over the files that included an interview with a source who accused Biden of taking bribes from a foreign national.

Even though it was clear that the unclassified record that the Oversight Committee subpoenaed exists, the FBI was adamant about not providing it to the committee. Comer called out the FBI for its lack of transparency and claimed that the FBI had failed to investigate the allegations and had conveniently concealed the information, thus rendering its stance unacceptable.

Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley also criticized the FBI’s attitude, claiming that they hadn’t given them the unclassified document when they had requested it, but instead had sent them a letter which contained only objections. The FBI’s objections to the Oversight Committee’s subpoena were based on the premise that “information from confidential human sources is unverified and, by definition, incomplete” and that “preventing the redirection of this information for non-law enforcement or non-intelligence uses — is necessary for the FBI’s effective execution of our law enforcement and national security responsibilities.”

The FBI, by playing into Joe Biden’s hands and not giving the Oversight Committee the informant files, has done the American people a disservice. The agency had credible whistleblower disclosures, but still failed to take action against Joe Biden. The White House, trying to dismiss the significance of the document, claimed that the Republicans were indulging in politically-motivated attacks against the President’s family. The Republicans, however, have a different opinion on the matter and have written to the FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, seeking their help.

It remains to be seen whether the FBI will address the Oversight Committee’s subpoena or whether they will continue to protect the Bidens and withhold information from the public. It is about time the FBI takes a step forward towards transparency and demonstrates that they function free from the influence of politics.

Source: The Daily Caller

Written by Staff Reports

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