
FDA Reverses Ban on Juul Labs Vape Products After Two Years

Today, there was a significant change at the United States Food and Drug Administration about Juul Labs, Inc.’s vape products. The FDA changed its mind about banning the products, which happened two years ago.

Back in June of 2022, the FDA said they banned the vape products because they weren’t sure if the products met the federal health rules. They were worried about bad chemicals in the vape pods made by the company.

When the FDA said no to selling the products, people could still buy the e-cigarettes while waiting for a decision from the courts. Since the ban in 2022, the FDA has said no to many companies that wanted to sell e-cigarettes. On May 12, 2023, the FDA refused ten applications from vape sellers, which meant about 6,500 different e-cigarette choices got banned.

Even though the FDA has changed its mind about Juul products, it doesn’t mean the products are allowed to be sold now. The FDA will keep watching for new details to decide if the e-cigarettes are safe enough to be sold to the public.

Some people worry about e-cigarettes because more folks are using them. The Centers for Disease Control noted a 46% increase in vape users between 2020 and 2022. There was a sad case where a 22-year-old needed a particular lung surgery after using e-cigarettes a lot. 
Doctors said he only had a tiny chance of surviving.
It’s good news for Juul Labs that the FDA said yes to their products again. It shows the company worked hard to meet the rules. But, the FDA needs to keep checking that the products are safe for people.

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