
Fresh Evidence Sticks Another Dagger into Hunter Biden’s Credibility

In a bombshell revelation, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) exposed the fact that the special counsel and Delaware U.S. Attorney investigating Hunter Biden did not have the full authority he requested in 2022. This shocking news completely contradicts Attorney General Merrick Garland’s previous testimony and sheds light on the truth behind the IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s claims.

According to Jordan, during Tuesday’s testimony, the special counsel, David Weiss, admitted that he requested special attorney authority under Section 515 in the spring of 2022 but was denied. Despite not having the necessary authority, Weiss pretended he had it all along until he finally received special counsel status later on. This paints a picture of deception and raises serious questions about Weiss’s credibility.


Jordan also pointed out that Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Stuart Goldberg testified that the Hunter Biden case received “closer supervision” and required high-level approval to bring charges. This contradicts the principle of equal treatment under the law that every American deserves. Jordan rightfully questioned why Hunter Biden wasn’t treated like any other citizen and why he enjoyed special privileges.

The New York Post reported that Goldberg’s testimony directly refutes Attorney General Merrick Garland’s claim that Weiss had “ultimate authority” in the Hunter Biden case. This revelation has severe consequences and could implicate Garland in perjury and obstruction of justice.

Furthermore, it was previously reported that IRS Agent Darrell Waldon also supported the claim that Weiss lacked the necessary authority to charge Hunter Biden. This adds more weight to the argument that Weiss was dishonest about his powers.

In light of this new information, it is clear that Hunter Biden’s case was handled differently from others and received special treatment. The fact that Weiss had to receive “ultimate sign-off” from high-ranking officials within the DOJ before bringing charges raises serious concerns about the integrity of the investigation. It is imperative that we hold those responsible accountable and ensure equal treatment under the law for all Americans.

Written by Staff Reports

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